KNUST cut off points for Pharmacy for 2024/2025 (Doctor of Pharmacy)


Do you want to know the minimum KNUST cut off points for pharmacy (Doctor of pharmacy)? if so you have come to the right place. this will show everything you need to know.

In this article, you’re going to learn KNUST cut off points for pharmacy, the faculty of pharmacy at KNUST, etc.

KNUST cut off points for Pharmacy KNUST (Pharm D)

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy (BSc Pharmacy). This program is designed for students who are interested in the pharmaceutical industry and want to peruse a career as a pharmaceutical industry and want a career as a pharmacist. The curriculum includes courses in pharmacology, pharmaceutical, medicinal chemistry and pharmacognosy. Graduates of the program are equipped with the necessary skills in work in various settings such as hospitals, Pharmacies, and research laboratories. The BSc program at KNUST is respected in the pharmaceutical in Ghana and beyond.


KNUST cut off points for pharmacy (Doctor of pharmacy) cut off points is very important to guide applicant in the process of selecting their course at KNUST. therefore, student who want to apply must meet with the cut off points of the school before applying.

KNUST Cut off points for pharmacy (Doctor of Pharmacy) is 06. Applicant must have credit in the following courses:

Three core subject English, Mathematics, Intergrated Science or Social. Three elective subject Biology, Chemistry, Physis in Mathematics. these courses must sum up to 06 or better for applicant to get admission.

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Duration of KNUST Doctor of Pharmacy course

The Doctor of pharmacy is a six(6) degree programmed which leads to the award of doctor pharmacy degree.

which includes five (5) years of academic study  on campus and ONE (1) Year of internship or residency. student choose an elective for which they will be attached to a particular company or institution to train under depending on the elective during the fifth year.

What are the grades needed for KNUST Pharmacy Course

The basic requirements are that applicants should have credit passes (A1 – C6) in six (6) subjects’ core subject English, Mathematics, Intergrated Science or Social Studies. Elective subjects Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics

 KNUST Doctor of Pharmacy Admission Requirements

Applicants must satisfy the university’s general requirements. To be qualified for admission prospective applicants must have the following requirements.


  • Credit passes in core subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Science or Social Studies.
  • Credit passes in electives subjects: Chemistry, Physics, Biology or Mathematics.

A’ Level qualification

Applicants with A’ Level qualification must have five (5) credits including English Language and Mathematics and passes three (3) in any of the electives Biology, Physis, Chemistry and Mathematics.

Mature Applicants

You must be 25 years of age to qualify at the time of submitting your applicant forms.

applicants can be with WASSCE\SSSCE or O level qualification.

KNUST Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

There are a total of 6 department under the KNUST faculty of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences.

The departments are.

  • Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Department of Pharmacognosy
  • Department of Clinical and Social Pharmacy
  • Department of Pharmaceutics
  • Department of Herbal Medicine
  • Department of Pharmacology

The Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences runs two flagship programmes; 4-year BSc Herbal Medicine and 6-year Doctor of Pharmacy programmes.

In addition to this we have a 2-year Doctor of Pharmacy top-up programme for practicing pharmacists, the first of its kind in the West Africa sub-region.

Also, each of the five departments of the faculty runs Msc, MPhil and PhD programmes in the various disciplines of Pharmacy.

Does KNUST Offer Pharmacy

Yes, the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology offer Pharmacy courses.

Prospective students who want to read pharmacy can apply for study admission at the university for the preferred qualification of the programme.

How Do I Study Pharmacy At KNUST?

In order to study pharmacy courses at KNUST, you must first apply for study admission.

You’ll then select pharmacy as one of your preferred courses that you’ll like to study when given a study space into the university.

Interested students who want to study this course at KNUST should also remember that the decision on admitting you to study pharmacy at KNUST is solely by the admission board of the university.

This means, you might choose pharmacy in your application, but KNUST may offer you a different course other than pharmacy.

This is as a result of highly competitive applicants applying to study pharmacy.

In most cases, you may qualify with the grades to study the course, but because of the highly competitive of the it, you will not get the chance to read pharmacy at KNUST in that academic year. ,

How Do I Apply To Study Pharmacy At KNUST?

Application for study admission at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), is done both by online or hard copy application forms.

So, you can apply via online through the

You can also pick application forms at the various vendors across the country.

Will I Get Admission to Study Pharmacy At KNUST If I Don’t Meet The Cut Off Points?

No, you’ll not be admitted reading pharmacy at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology if you do not meet the cut off points for the programme.

Only applicants who meet the admission requirements for pharmacy will be offered admission space into the university to study it courses.

See also

KNUST BSc BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE cut off point (2023/2024)-see now


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